
Located on the corner of Divine and Deliciousness, Cones serves homemade Argentinean ice cream—think a cross between gelato and traditional American ice cream, elastic and thin—and only homemade Argentinean ice cream. Two brothers opened the store in 1994, and together they make each and every flavor, by hand (a batch takes about 50 minutes). When we were last there, the featured flavor blended corn with Johnnie Walker and cost twice as much as everything else, including grapefruit, pear, tiramisu, black cherry, mate (green tea), and dulce de leche. To increase our intake, we usually order a taste of something new, then fall back on our old standbys: mint chocolate chip and coconut.

It’s pretty great that you receive a chocolate-filled cookie-swizzle stick when you order a waffle cone, but better still are the postcards pasted up near the cash register. Sent by kids away at summer camp, they read, “I miss my mom and you too,” “Camp is OK, but Cones is great,” “Save me some chocolate,” “See you soon.” Yeah, our sentiments exactly.

Photo: thanks

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