
Lovely little L'asso is so much better than its neighbors, it's a wonder Little Italy has any pizzerias left. And, yes, we realize that pretty soon we'll be renaming this blog We Heart Pizza and Some Other Things about New York But Mostly Pizza.
There recently on a rainy Wednesday we started with a refreshing pianura salad (fennel, orange slices, and pine nuts) and a warming cup of minnestrone.

But the real draw are the thin-crust pies that come out of the huge coal oven that takes up most of one side of the restaurant.

We went for a white pie (all cheese, garlic, and olive oil) and a red (traditional Margherita).

In general we prefer our crusty, thick Neapolitans (and also our square Sicilians). But if we're south of Houston and jonesing for some slices, we're heading back here.
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