Flights to Central America

Sunrise, Momotombo volcano from El Hoyo, Nicaragua

We spent ten wonderful days traveling in Nicaragua and El Salvador (and about five hours in Honduras) a few weeks ago. Among the highlights: a 20-mile, 2-day hike over three volcanoes and into one crater lake with Quetzaltrekkers, which donates 100% of its proceeds to helping street kids; climbing around the oldest cathedral in Central America and watching "Hombres en Negro 3" in León; admiring the murals of Western El Salvador; eating our way through the Juayúa Gastronomic Festival, including coconut corn cakes and iguana eggs; rappelling down a waterfall; and strolling around artsy, sleepy Suchitoto.

Catedral de León, León, Nicaragua

Mural, Juayúa, El Salvador

Piragua with honey and apples, Juayúa Gastronomic Festival / Feria Gastronomica, Juayúa, El Salvador

Ataco, El Salvador


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