Lucky Cat Ramen

Nagoya ramen, Lucky Cat Ramen

Whatever else you might say about midtown, it offers no shortage of places to get ramen, perhaps the ultimate winter comfort food. Newly opened Lucky Cat Ramen features a ginormous lucky cat in the window, steaming bowls of noodles, and sweet-spicy edamame, along with other izakaya treats. (The owners also run beloved HinoMaru in Astoria.)

The nagoya ramen (top photo) mixes ground chicken, thin nooldles, and cilantro in a chili oil-inflected broth, while the lucky cat ramen offers pork slices in pork broth, a carnivore's delight. Few things feel as elemental as putting meat in liquid, and we're happy to welcome another such restaurant to the fray.

Spicy edamame, Lucky Cat Ramen

Lucky cat ramen, Lucky Cat Ramen


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