Flights to Africa
We had an amazing eleven days travelling through Senegal and the Gambia. Highlights include: feeding monkeys, touching crocodiles, getting 'married' in a traditional Mandinka ceremony, walking through the bush, drinking bissap (hibiscus) juice and ataya (a type of tea), eating benechin and brown rice salad, sucking on lemenos, seeing the westernmost point in Africa, bartering for a tablecloth, visiting the Marche Malien, wading in the Atlantic on black sand, strolling through the artists' colonies on Ile de Goree, going up in Arch 22, watching a monitor lizard attack a frog, making a wish on a baobab tree / griot burial site, hearing the calls to prayer from a nearby mosque, sleeping on a straw mattress, riding a horse cart across the border, and spying a giraffe in the middle of the road.

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