Becky Shaw

As part of the ongoing 2-for-1 promotion to Off-Broadway shows, we got tickets to Becky Shaw, a funny and sharp black comedy about marriage and mores currently being performed at the Second Stage Theater. And we weren't the only ones to take advantage of the irresistible discount: Dean Winters (Dennis from 30 Rock) was in our row. We didn't notice whether he enjoyed it, however, as we were too busy laughing and cringing, especially at the scene-stealing David Wilson Barnes in the role of Max, a hyperactive and hyper-cynical financial wizard who gets all of the play's best lines: "Try harder the next time you attempt suicide," "It isn't bad enough that Freddy Krueger has knives for hands, he has to be verbally abusive as well," and "You need to join some clubs: the KKK, the Daughters of the American Revolution, whatever."
Photo: thanks
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