Eisenberg's Sandwich Shop

In the minds of many outsiders, New York food is summed up by the deli, with its piles of meat and Jewish classics. In reality, few New Yorkers eat that sort of food anymore, and the big delis that still thrive do so largely because of tourist dollars. But here and there around the city, like the Neanderthals living on in Spanish caves after the rest of their species went extinct, are genuine neighborhood delis, like Eisenberg's, where an egg salad or pastrami sandwich sets you back a pittance and the New York of kimchi cocktails and Indian-Spanish fusion is but a fever dream. The formica may be peeling, the air conditioner may be on the fritz, and the food may be only so-so, but where else can you see sand sit suspended in the hourglass?

Egg salad sandwich, Eisenberg's

Pastrami sandwich, Eisenberg's


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