Holiday Donuts from the Doughnut Plant

Holiday donuts (marzipan, sweet pear, and gingerbread), the Doughnut Plant

Behold, the Doughnut Plant's holiday donuts: marzipan, star-shaped and tasting, perhaps curiously, of cherries; spiced pear, green-striped and filled with a sugary, cider-esque pear mash; and gingerbread, cakey and moist. Their all-around hyper-sweetness inspired much holiday cheer, or at least heart racing, as well as the following, sung to the tune of "Deck the Halls":

'Tis the season to get fatter
Yum ya-yum yum, ya-yum yum yum
Fill my belly with bags of donuts
Yum ya-yum yum, ya-yum yum yum


kim said…
If you could only choose one (waistline limitation), which would you favor? :)
Hmmm . . . tough question, but probably the marzipan, followed quickly by the spiced pear.
I finally tried one at the Dean and DeLuca in Soho but wasn't that impressed. I think I was gearing myself up too much and I had tried the Dough donuts at the Brooklyn Flea and they were amazing. I need to get to an actual bake shop and try again but these look pretty good!!
Oh, Dough is great -- love the blood orange and the lemon poppy. We always have room for both.

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