Robert Rauschenberg at Gagosian Gallery

According to the press release for Robert Rauschenberg's show at the W 21st Gagosian Gallery, his art sought to show viewers that "the world belongs to them." An interesting thought, that, as if the ultimate point of viewing his collages was to show the way life itself is a collage, a big jumble of media and colors, or feelings and actions.

And, as the quotation goes on to state, if you get that what you're seeing on the walls is really only the dimmest simulation of what you're experiencing by virtue of being alive, then you really don't need the art, do you? After all, you're already living it (this kind of art, anyway), right? Or perhaps the recent cold here has traumatized our synapses such that we need to turn our minds in circles in order to stay warm.  

Photo: thanks
 meow love!


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