The Lilac

The Lilac

The LILAC, a decommissioned Coast Guard steamship first afloat in the 1930s, recently moved to a new home at Pier 25 and is now open to the public a couple of days a week. We loved its feeling of arrested disintegration, the way the waves of time have worn down every surface.

The Lilac

Keep Out

The Lilac

The Lilac

The Lilac

The Lilac

The Lilac

The Lilac

The Lilac

The Lilac

The Lilac

The Lilac

The Lilac

The Lilac

The Lilac

The Lilac

The Lilac

The Lilac

The Lilac

The Lilac


Anonymous said…
As always. great photos I'm sure you're counting down the days! Me too! l&mu2 sta
Frank Lynch said…
I smell a Guess Where NY submission. Perhaps in a discarded shot...

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