The Frying Pan in Winter

In the summer months, the Frying Pan, a docked lightship salvaged from the bottom of the Chesapeake Bay, serves as one of the city's most popular outdoor bars. In the winter months, it's closed, though not locked, as we discovered. The detritus of summer's last hurrah made for some appealing exploring in the wake of this weekend's snowstorm.


Anonymous said…
This is not actually "The Frying Pan," which is just the name of the lightship berthed here, of which I only see one photo. A more proper title would be Pier 66.
More proper, perhaps, but not colloquial: the whole complex is commonly known as the Frying Pan:

Thanks for reading!
Anonymous said…
Great Photos!!!!! sta
Anonymous said…
Nice take on the snow - really interesting interpretation.
Anonymous said…
Whatever it is called - the photos are unique!!!
Anonymous said…
Great photos - thanks for sharing. After you were done, did you feel like jumping "out of the Frying Pan and into the oven" just to warm up?

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