The Big Gay Ice Cream Truck

Salty Pimp, Big Gay Ice Cream Truck

Even curmudgeons like us who are generally anti-food truck find it hard to resist the siren song of the Big Gay Ice Cream Truck. The name alone makes it hard for most sensible people to stay away. But making abstinence even harder are the inventive sundaes. Our friend Howard raved about the salty pimp, and with good reason: the mix of cheap soft serve vanilla, dulce de leche, and sea salt, all dipped in chocolate, is a giddy high-low combo. And as soon as we saw that the monday sundae was served in a waffle cone lined with Nutella, we nearly trampled the poor kids in front of us to get one. Keep on truckin', guys.

Monday Sundae, Big Gay Ice Cream Truck


Howard said…
next time ask for the salty pimp with cayenne -- it's even better.
Will do. The cococone (coconut with curry) is on our list too.
Howard said…
eh, i was underwhelmed by the cococone. while eating it all i was thinking was that i should have gotten the salty pimp. they don't always have it, but the gobbler is also great.

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