Greater New York at P.S. 1

Five years ago, curators selected several local artists to participate in the first Greater New York at P.S. 1. If this year's version is any indication, an easy way to get your stuff shown is to photograph awkward or unattractive people, preferably both, preferably masturbating, definitely naked.

Nevertheless, a lot of weak work has the unintended benefit of highlighting artists worth paying attention to, including Pinar Yolacan, whose photographs featured a large, curvy being completely covered in fabric, a cross between the Venus of Willendorf and Rene Margrite's The Lovers (see above). We also liked David Brook's installation, Trees in Concrete, exactly what it sounds like: drab, dirty, dusty trees meant to focus viewers' attention on the destruction of rainforests around the world. But even if we hated everything, we'd still recommend a visit: what's on view, for better or worse, represents what some consider to be the most cutting-edge art being made here right now.

Photo: Pinar Yolacan, Boro, 2009


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