Friedman's Lunch

The name "Friedman's Lunch" refers to the economist Milton Friedman, who allegedly summarized finance as follows: "There's no such thing as a free lunch." It's fitting then, that, the restaurant charges for lunch, as well as breakfast and dinner, mostly updated takes on American classics.
Grilled salmon salad, Friedman's Lunch

Our salmon salad might look sad here, but in actuality the salmon had a good char and came with a zesty dill dressing. As the cliche goes, it was what it was. Nevertheless, the real strength of a recent lunch was a grilled chicken sandwich with pesto and red peppers on slabs of focaccia, chewy and hearty and flavorful. With a couple of pickles courtesy of a small outpost of Guss' Pickles and cans of Dr. Brown's, we were definitely in business.

Balsamic grilled chicken sandwich, Friedman's Lunch

Sour and half-sour pickles, Guss' Pickles via Friedman's Lunch


wow...everything looks wonderful !!

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